Mats Staub, image courtesy of the artist


I am a “listener”, taking time to talk with people, asking questions about their lives, listening to their answers and explanations. I am both, receiver and emitter. As I am listening I react to them with my personal stories. It takes time and is unfortunately rarely found between people anymore. I believe that it then needs a certain (artistic) form – so that talking / exchanging can transform into narrating, into a narration that can reach and move the recipients and start something inside them. This is what I am trying to do. Listening, emitting, and transforming so that it might arouse memories in the minds of the visitors of decisive events in their own lives and start a reflection, talking and listening on their side.
During my residency I want to continue my long-term project “21 – Memories of Growing Up” in Brighton, which will be the first city in the UK, and part of my aim to extend the project to the English speaking world. “21” collects the individual memories of how different people experienced the moment of growing up between the years 1936 and 2014. “21” presents portraits of the narrators as listeners in form of a video installation.