Where were you in 1997?

By Nick Tandavanitj
A performer interviewing a member of the public in Safehouse

“It’s not ‘natural’ to speak well, eloquently, in an interesting, articulate way.

Holding audiences to account

By Nick Tandavanitj
A woman in the city at night is about to record a message on a headset

“Questions and answers depend on a game – a game that is at once pleasant and difficult – in which each of the two partners takes pains to use only the rights given him by the other and by the accepted form of dialogue.

The things that made us: Front of House

By Nick Tandavanitj

Our first project using mobile devices with audiences was Uncle Roy All Around You in 2003.

Games Can Help Us Understand Power

By Guest Blogger
Kidnap 1998 by Blast Theory

– Matt Locke is Director of Storythings, Deputy Chair of British Science Association and also runs The Story.

Going undercover: what is Operation Black Antler?

By Matt Adams
Operation Black Antler Safehouse

With our collaborators Hydrocracker, we have just launched Operation Black Antler – an immersive theatre work in which members of the public are invited to go undercover at a protest meeting on the fringes of British society.

Another person’s shoes

By Guest Blogger

– a guest blog by Sarah-Jayne Butler, cast member for Operation Black Antler 
As an actor a huge draw to this project was the opportunity to work collaboratively, creating a piece of work that seeks to challenge and question our own perceptions and understanding rather than to offer answers.

Why we are making Operation Black Antler

By Matt Adams

We have just launched our next project, Operation Black Antler – an immersive theatre work in which members of the public are invited to go undercover at a protest meeting.