All you need is a mobile phone with SMS. You play by replying to text messages sent to you by the game. To play, you must visit the model town to create a figurine.

Yes, you must visit the model town to create a figurine.

No, you can only register your own mobile phone to play.

About 10 minutes, once you’ve come to the the model town.

No, once you’ve created your figurine you don’t need to come back to the model town. If you do return to the venue you can track the movements of other figurines and see the messages going in and out of the game.

Anyone with a mobile phone can play. See more on the costs for SMS.

You will receive between 2 and 20 messages each day depending on how much you play and where you go in the town. We take great care to make sure you are not overloaded with messages and if you stop sending messages to the game, the number you receive will reduce quickly.