Finally, after a second health hiccup – this time Covid – Pot Luck is back!
Pot Luck is Blast Theory’s social event for local makers and creative people to meet and make something with other like-minded folk.
Aimed at people who are early on in their careers (aged 18 years and above), Pot Luck is a chance to network and make some new friends, show/discuss your work or an idea for a work, and receive support from us in whatever way we can to help you advance your creative practice and yourself as a maker.
Pot Luck is based on Potlatch, the gift-giving feast practiced by Indigenous communities from the Northwest coast of Canada and the United States, where people come together to share – usually a meal. Whatever someone can bring to the party, they bring. So there is no judgement here, just the desire to do something with other people and have a good time.
Join us in the flesh at the studios, 6-8pm on Tuesday 24th August.
So put the date in your diary and please forward this page to anyone else who you think might want to be involved.
RSVP by Friday 20th August if you would like to join in.
We look forward to welcoming you to the studios.