Rider Spoke has been invited to ANTI Festival in Kuopio (Finland), the world’s only contemporary art festival presenting solely site-specific works. The festival has an international reputation as a meeting place for artists and audiences fascinated by how contemporary art might respond to the spaces and places of everyday life. The Artistic Directors of the festival are Gregg Whelan (Lone Twin) and Johanna Tuukkanen. Rider Spoke will be presented from 28th September – 1st October.
Blast Theory artist Nick Tandavanitj will be giving two workshops and an Artist Talk as part of the ‘Rider Spoke’ presentation at ANTI festival in Finland.
Artist Talk, 27th Sept
An introduction to the history and current work of Blast Theory.
Workshop 1: 28th Sept, 9:00-12:00
A practical workshop to explore how location based works are produced and an insight into mixed reality and pervasive media.
Workshop 2: 29th Sept, 9:00-12:00
An overview of the creative process behind ‘Rider Spoke’ with hands on experience of working through some of the technologies involved and how Rider Spoke uses Wi-Fi to create a ‘map’ of the city.