She’s ready to meet you! Karen has been accepted by the Apple App Store and is available to download for free on your iPhone now.
Karen has already been praised in The New York Times, BBC Click, and selected for the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.
Need any more encouragement to take part? One pre release tester said of playing Karen: “It feels like a very intimate, high quality TV series experience – it’s addictive,” while another said: “A clever piece of interactive drama, I’m going to be pushing it to friends.”
Speaking of which, please do share how things go with Karen with us, your friends and the world on Facebook, Twitter or Reddit (using the hashtag #KarenIsMyLifeCoach).
And if you’re a fan of Karen one of the best ways you can support the app is to rate and review it on the app store. We’d love as many people as possible to have the chance to experience this and you can help make that happen.
Karen will also be available on Android shortly. Watch this space for details.
Karen is a new work by Blast Theory, developed in partnership with National Theatre Wales.
Co-commissioned by The Space and 539 Kickstarter backers. Karen has been developed with support from the Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham and in collaboration with Dr Kelly Page.