A selection of Blast Theory films will be screened on 6th April, at the FilmForum Festival, in Gorizia, Italy. Beginning with works from the late 90s the screening will mix documentation of projects such as Rider Spoke and A Machine To See With alongside commissioned films such as TRUCOLD and So, err. . .
FilmForum is an international festival devoted to cinema and the contemporary visual arts that brings together scientific research, the dissemination of culture, and exhibition shows. It takes place in Udine and Gorizia and offers conferences, meetings, workshops and screenings.
Blast Theory is thrilled to be screening a selection of films at FilmForum as part of the “Transmedia and Interactive Storytelling” strand.
Place: Kinemax Gorizia
Address: Piazza Vittoria, 41, Gorizia, Italy
Date: 6th April
Time: 21.00
Films to be Screened:
Kidnap Blipvert 1997
Can You See Me Now? 2001
TRUCOLD Excerpt 2002
Soft Message Excerpt 2006
Rider Spoke 2007
So, err.. 2009
My Neck Of The Woods 2013