A recent graduate, Nick Rebstadt works with the expanded practice of interior design. Exploring the deconstruction – and subsequent reconstruction – of space, design is manifest between the tangible and conceptual. He has applied this thinking in areas ranging from urban, exhibition through to workplace design. Currently working as a freelance designer, writer (and “creative-industry” all-rounder), Nick has worked on various projects including most recently co-curating ALL AT ONCE ALL OF THE TIME, at the RMIT Design Hub, Melbourne; and working on SITUATION, an upcoming symposium and exhibition of interior design and practice, also held in Melbourne later this year.
While at 20 Wellington Road, he aims to further explore what technology fused with interior design practice can do in developing new workplace environments, and working experiences.
We recorded a short interview with Nick at the end of his residency where he discussed his plans for his project- Cubicle.