The Larks (formerly Larkin’ About) combine the spectacle of theatre with the agency of play.
Our work sees unexpected blends of gaming, interactivity and the theatrical. We are fascinated by the use of game structures to tell stories, and we are passionate about engaging with ‘the now’. In our heavily interactive and reactive work participants are constantly reminded they are part of the unfolding story; making decisions, taking responsibility, affecting outcomes. This makes for a powerful and immediate platform to address topics which may otherwise seem difficult or inaccessible.
The Larks are both chuffed and excited to be working in Brighton at Wellington Road. We’re going to spend the time finalising and finessing our room escape game, Room Zero. Working with Blast Theory we’ll be upping our game technically and, hopefully, artistically in what is going to be an intense month development. We are also hopeful that the skills we develop and learn as part of this process will have a longer term application in our future work as well as on Room Zero. After what has been a relatively quite few months we can’t wait to get started.