(UK) February – April 2016
About Tom
Tom is a recent graduate from the BA (Hons) European Theatre Arts at Rose Bruford College in South London. In his final year of study, Tom completed two dissertations (one practical and one written) that focused on: “An investigation into the process of composition in the music of Death Grips with reference to Pastiche and the techniques of Heiner Muller.” and “An investigation into intermediality as a feminist mode of performativity.”
He has recently set up a company with a colleague called ‘Bite The Hand Theatre’. In October 2015, they worked alongside another performer to create a two-person clown show looking at the American Dream, this was presented at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol as part of their Prototype programme. More recently, they have been researching and developing initial ideas for a show based on the information leaks from whistleblowers like Edward Snowden in the NSA and GCHQ.
Tom loves theatre companies like Spymonkey and Sleepwalk Collective, his favourite writers are Samuel Beckett and Albert Camus and he adores Francis Bacon paintings. He biggest influence however is definitely Alan Partridge.