Karen looking in mirror

Hot on the heels of it’s showing at the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Karen will be part of the ‘Infosphere’ exhibition at the ZKM Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany.

‘Infosphere’ will take place in the framework of the GLOBALE, a poly-phone event extending over 300 days to commemorate the 300 year anniversary of the city of Karlsruhe.



With what challenges do the new technologies confront us? The human being has been living in an infosphere ever since the discovery of magnetism, electricity, electro-magnetic waves and radio technology. For the cohabitation of human beings as social beings, both the atmosphere and the infosphere are indispensable. Today, algorithms – from the stock market through to airports – are fundamental elements of our social order.

There still appear to be insufficient rules for the Infosphere or instruction manuals on the Internet. The thematic focus of the collected works in the exhibition turns on the kinds of answers given by artists, designers, architects and scientists on these acute challenges represented by the Infosphere.

The exhibition is curated by Peter Weibel, Daria Mille, Stephan Schwingeler and Guilia Bini.


When: 4th September 2015 – 24th January 2016

Where: ZKM Centrer for Art and Media In Karlsruhe, Germany