We’re getting very close to bringing our new app Karen to you. Karen mixes gaming and storytelling, using psychological profiling techniques to create a personalised experience. Having finished filming, we’re now in the edit and the footage is looking absolutely fantastic.
The app will be released to the public on the 16th April 2015 (Kickstarter backers will receive an invitation to download the app a little earlier). For those who are especially engaged there is a chance you will be invited to a secret rendezvous with Karen in the summer, delivered jointly with our partners National Theatre Wales.
Thanks to all your support and the publicity created from our Kickstarter campaign, we have been co-commissioned by the online gallery for contemporary arts, The Space.
The additional support from The Space has enabled us to put even more development time towards Karen to make it the best it can be. It also means that we are now able to bring you Karen on Android.
Visit the Karen project page for more information.