Join us for the last Pot Luck of the year where we’ll be looking at gifting – what does it mean, who is it for and what can we learn from sharing/giving away? We’re inviting you to come along in true Pot Luck style and bring what you can to eat and to share, plus for this one please bring something to gift or give to someone else – it can be a thing, an idea, a story, an hour of your time or anything else you think you can share.
Blast Theory Studio, 6-8pm, Thursday 8th December
So book a place and get ready for a dark night with presents from people – some we know and some we have yet to meet. And of course, bring someone else along too!
– Ju
Aimed at people who are early on in their careers, Pot Luck is a chance to network, make new friends and discuss your work, or an idea for a work. We will offer you support in whatever way we can to help you advance your creative practice and yourself as a maker.
Pot Luck is based on the Potlatch a North American indigenous communal meal or gathering where everyone brings something they can contribute to the meal or to give away.
There will be something to takeaway with opportunities, courses and tools for you to look at later!