Join artists Simon James and Angus Carlyle as they host a unique Pot Luck Takeover on Wednesday 26 July.
6-8pm, Wednesday 26 July
Eight kilometres west of Brighton’s Palace Pier, the River Adur meets the coast, some of its waters ushered out to sea between two harbour walls, some directed through a system of locks into a canal that is deep enough and wide enough to accommodate the large ships that unload their cargo of steel and timber on to the wharves near the power station whose chimney is visible from the ridgeline of the South Downs.
Since December 2020, Simon James and Angus Carlyle have been taking their microphones, hydrophones and geophones to the harbour walls, locks and wharves and down below the wind turbines to the shingle beach with its collapsing groynes and rusted sea defences, joining the surfers, fisherfolk, swimmers, sun-bathers and sea birds under the ever-changing skies. They continue to explore this special shoreline, planning on turning their recordings, interviews, film and writing into an exhibition.
Join Simon and Angus as they share their work so far and talk about their plans for this upcoming exhibition. What better location than overlooking the port itself?
Listen to a sneak peek of their work:
Simon James is a self trained sound artist whose work is exploratory and instinctive, focussed on timbral shaping, finding the sounds in between the sounds and the relationship between these and field recordings.
Angus Carlyle explores environments as embodiments of stress and relief, with listening becoming writing, recordings, photographs and films (and very rarely performances). He often works alone but finds collaboration better and more enjoyable.
About Pot Luck
Aimed at people who are early on in their careers, Pot Luck is a chance to network, make new friends and discuss your work, or an idea for a work. We will offer you support in whatever way we can to help you advance your creative practice and yourself as a maker.
Pot Luck is based on the Potlatch, a North American indigenous communal meal or gathering, where everyone brings something they can contribute to the meal or to give away.
There will be something to take away with opportunities, courses and tools for you to look at later!