Welcoming Robert Walton as our artist in residence over the months of April and May, 2018.
Robert Walton is “an original and talented thinker and theatre maker” (The Times, UK), who has created, directed and devised over 30 shows. His work spans theatre, installation, writing and media art. As the recipient of Blast Theory and pvi collective‘s international residency programme, we are honoured to host Robert. We are grateful to the Australian Council for the Arts for supporting this initiative and we were delighted to receive so many considered and engaging expressions of interest from artists across so many different artforms, from all over Australia.
Robert will be working on a new large-scale participatory project that promotes discussion of the future by imagining the life-course of a child born now and the challenges that they, their community and their city will face over the next century.
Ahead of his residency, Robert says:
“Being able to undertake this residency means I will have precious space and time to think, experiment and develop a new project about the mass imagination and rehearsal of the next century. Being in close proximity to Blast Theory means I can test ideas and get feedback as the concept develops, which is really important for new kinds of interactive art work that include new applications of technology.”
Learn more about Robert’s work, including his latest project ‘Vanitas’
This residency was developed with the support of Blast Theory and pvi collective and through funding from the Australian government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.