Francesca da Rimini has a long history of artistic experimentation with technologies which are for a time ‘new’ whether it was with the cyberfeminist collective VNS Matrix (1990-1991), as the MOO persona GashGirl at LambdaMOO, through her web hauntings as the ghost doll yoko at dollspace, or as a guest artist on Graham Harwood’s Netmonster.
Her most recent vision is to conjure into being a Sibyl in the form on an internet-based Artificial Intelligence. This poetic assemblage of text, code, and waves will distil elements of neoliberal info-capitalism to generate intimate prophesies. The task is not only to predict change but to help create it. During her residency Francesca will investigate technological options for creating an AI or a comparable machine for generating poetic dialogue in response to user questions. She will evaluate the suitability of the Agile method of software development for this project. Francesca also intends to explore selected British histories of people persecuted for ecstatic visions in the pre-capitalist period, and use these as the basis for a short experimental text to be programmed into the Sibyl at a later stage during its development.
Some archaeological traces of Francesca da Rimini’s earlier projects can still be found at gashgirl.sysx.org