Having co-founded Blast Theory in 1991, Ju Row Farr has decided to leave the group in October.
Ju has been an inspiration, a leader, a dynamo and a driving force throughout her 32 years in Blast Theory. Her style, gusto and raw passion for art, artists and her fellow humans has shone through in everything she has done. She’s great fun, super stylish and no second hand shop on any continent has been safe when she’s in town.
She’s a feisty bird and her willingness to fight her corner is a sight to behold. She has always been making art for the right reasons: because it matters to her and to other people. She is a believer that art lets us see the world in new ways, challenges us to think afresh and brings us together in surprising configurations. Ju puts herself on the line.
Her highlights reel would be pretty epic: from the Venice Biennale to Tokyo she’s led projects, published blogs, recorded voiceovers, written scripts, designed sets and costumes, performed, lectured and taught. She’s led a crowd pulling a trawler out of the Pacific, she’s done a touch of kidnapping and the occasional intern still staggers out of our archive with eyes watering having found our work about sex and pornography. The tenderness and vulnerability in her writing has enriched countless works, most recently We Cut Through Dust at Manchester International Festival.
Most importantly of all, she’s an amazing human being who makes friends wherever she goes. Her heart radiates love and she’s the real deal when it comes to connecting with other human beings. For hundreds of people around the world Blast Theory is Ju Row Farr.
As Blast Theory, we’ll miss her but not too much because we will keep her close. She will still be running our Pot Lucks every other month.
Nick has written an appreciation of Ju here. And Ju has recorded her own message here.
From October, she will be focusing more on her own writing and if you want to give her work, she will gratefully consider your offer:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @jurowfarr