On Thursday 22nd April, Blast Theory premiered three new short films that explore the effects of violence in army life, as told by veterans in their own words.
In three gripping stories, veterans give us first-hand accounts of violence and its impact on their civilian lives and mental wellbeing. Details of bullying tactics used by NCOs during training; life-changing moments from the centre of a firefight; and coming to terms with a PTSD diagnosis give an insight into the effects of the trauma that service personnel can be exposed to.
The films were followed by a Q&A with Ju and ex-serviceman Steve Cottam, discussing Steve’s experience and drawing on his work speaking to veterans, their friends and families, about the effects of PTSD.
After the new short films and Q&A there was a screening of Bloodyminded, our feature-length film shot in one continuous take, originally streamed live as part of 14-18 NOW.
You don’t need a Facebook account to attend the event.