Artist Talk / Natasha Davis
Blast Theory is pleased to invite you to an Artist Talk by the current Artist in Residence at 20 Wellington Road – Natasha Davis.
Matt Adams and Ju Row Farr at ICA Live Weekends
With contributions from leading artists, academics and writers in the field, Futures and Pasts is a long weekend of live art at the ICA exploring the diverse pasts and possible futures of live art and performance.
Natasha Davis Artist Talk – Thursday 27th May
Blast Theory is pleased to invite you to an Artist Talk by the current Artist in Residence at 20 Wellington Road – Natasha Davis.
Video/Dance Festival in Jerusalem
Matt Adams will give a workshop and a lecture at the Video/Dance Festival in Jerusalem on May 25th
Workshop at PACT in Essen
Matt Adams will lead a workshop session entitled Tentative Process, Tacit Knowledge as part of Explorationen 10 at PACT Zollverein in Essen on 11th June.
Artist in residence – Natasha Davis
Natasha Davis will be in residence at 20 Wellington Road until May 28th.