LIFT Talk – Digital Democracy, 24th June at ICA
Matt Adams will speak in the Digital Democracy panel as part of LIFT Talks on 24th June from 3.
Soft Message at Latitude
Our work for Radio 3 called Soft Message will be presented by Forest Fringe at the Latitude festival in Suffolk on 15-18th July as part a tour to London, Cardiff, Bristol and Glasgow.
Artist in residence – Diego Bonetto
Diego Bonetto is a multimedia artist living and practicing in Sydney and is a key member of artists’ collectives SquatSpace, the Network of UnCollectable Artists (NUCA) and the BigFAGPress.
Talk at Tsinghua Art and Science Media Lab
Nick Tandavanitj will be talking about Blast Theory’s work as part of an international symposium of practitioners involved in art and science collaborations.
Artist in residence – Laura-Kate Jennings
Laura-Kate Jennings will be in residence at 20 Welling Road until 4th June.
Intern applications deadline 31st July 2010
Blast Theory are running placements for interns at their studios with a deadline for applications twice a year.