Museum of London talk: play and public space

Blast Theory artist, Matt Adams, will be at the Museum of London on the 8th August discussing play and public space, urban gaming and alternative and subversive explorations of the city.
Test our upcoming project at Brighton Museum

We’re looking for people to test early prototypes for our upcoming project which looks at the way museums interact with their visitors.
Board game design workshop and games night

Love playing board games? Ever wanted to design your own? What makes the perfect game? To discover the answer to all these questions come to the Blast Theory co-designing workshop hosted by our artist in residence Hwa Young Jung.
Meet our new resident artist Hwa Young Jung

Hwa Young Jung is a multidisciplinary artist working in the arts, culture and sciences, facilitating collaborative workshops and projects.
First Blast Theory Gold Arts Award qualification

We are delighted to announce that we are taking Cain Suleyman through our first Gold Arts Award.