What we’re doing: Equality Action Plan 2020-22
In response to the Black Lives Matter movement we have reviewed our equality action plan, with a commitment for it to always be publicly visible and available for scrutiny and comment.
Artists Talk: ArtScience Museum
Taking a look at the intersection of art, science and technology in our recent work on infectious diseases. Find out more.
Blast Theory takes Gold in AAM Media & Technology Awards
‘Spit Spreads Death: The Parade’ wins first prize for ‘Video, Film, Animation, & Live Media Or Digital Performance’.
Black Lives Matter: Immediate Actions
In response to the Black Lives Matter movement we have reviewed our work on racism and inequality, and agreed upon three immediate actions we will take to try and improve our own practices, and the impact we can have on the experiences of others we interact with. Our goal with these three actions is to be practical, specific and nuanced. Read more.