Act Otherwise – The Invisible Hand: On Profiling and Personalisation

What are the cultural implications of profiling and personalisation? What does it mean for the arts community?
Matt will give a keynote at Playing For Change

Matt Adams will be in Manchester on 19th February to speak at the Playing For Change meeting at MMU Business School. The event inaugurates the Games and Social Change Network.
Join us for Walk This Way: Composing Location-Specific Soundtracks

Come along to the Blast Theory studio on 19th February for a presentation by musician and composer Adrian Hazzard, who will be presenting his ongoing explorations into location based music. Click here to find out more.
Want to work with us?

Blast Theory has undertaken a strategic review of our fundraising and we are looking to recruit a Fundraising Consultant and a freelance Trusts and Foundations Coordinator. Interested? Click here to find out more.
Book tickets now for The Invisible Hand: On Profiling and Personalisation

The sell out Act Otherwise is back for a third year. Join us as we bring together experts from divergent fields interested in profiling and personalisation to discuss the technical, social and creative issues raised.