Book now for the Games and Performance Masterclass at Cambridge Junction
Following our presentation of Rider Spoke, we are leading a two-day Games and Performance Masterclass at Cambridge Junction on Sat 8th & Sun 9th November.
Blast Theory part of FutureEverything’s ArtsAPI project
Along with 5 other leading arts organisations, we are thrilled to be part of FutureEverything’s ambitious ArtsAPI project, aiming to develop a new web application to show the value and impact generated through our networks
Hello, Abigail Sidebotham
Join us in welcoming our new tenant to the fold.
Introducing our new resident, Joe Ryan
Joe will be our Artist in Residence throughout August, focussing on two mobile phone projects during his time with us.
One Year On – A Force Of Nature, By Force Of Will Power – The Thing I’ll Be Doing For The Rest Of My Life
A year ago Matt began editing the footage from Nagoya, of the trawler being moved onto the land, through the night and across the park – 5 days to edit, then straight back to Japan on the 5th of August, to install onto 40 tablets in Japanese and English, train invigilators, meet press, thank everyone involved and open to the public on 10th August 2013.
Goodbye, Heather and Ivan Morison
We’re sad to say goodbye to Heather and Ivan Morison as they move away from Brighton.
We’re hiring a Marketing and Communications Coordinator
We are recruiting a Marketing and Communications Coordinator to work us on a fixed-term contract to deliver our Marketing Strategy, starting in September 2014.
Get to know our new volunteer Matias Daporta
We’re glad to welcome our new volunteer, Matias who has joined us from Amsterdam. He will be working with us until October.
Read Matt’s blog about Krautrock Pilot Week
We recently spent five days doing research and development on a new project about the intersection between the Krautrock school of German music and the radical left wing opposition in West Germany in the late 1960s-1970s. Click here to read more.