Rules and Regs
Ju is being an Outside Eye for the Rules and Regulations residency at the Nightingale in Brighton.
Digital Storytelling webinar
Matt will introduce core concepts for digital storytelling at Inspace on Edinburgh on 21st June.
Blast Theory are recruiting an Artists’ Assistant
Blast Theory are recruiting an Artists’ Assistant to start on 28th August.
Blast Theory summer school at Performance Centre Falmouth
We are running two summer schools at The Performance Centre, University College Falmouth in July and there are still a couple of places left.
Artist in residence – Francesca da Rimini
Francesca da Rimini has a long history of artistic experimentation with technologies which are for a time ‘new’.
Future Factual with Channel 4
Matt is talking at DocFest on 14th June at the Future Factual event run by Channel 4.
+ 2025