Come to a final performance and screening tonight, Thursday 27th March
Current artists in residence, trolley interactive have been working on their project Speak to Me during their time with us and they will be presenting the work in Brighton tonight.
Fixing Point at Brighton Festival is now sold out
We’re all very pleased to be presenting our project Fixing Point on home turf for Brighton Festival.
Come and see Kidnap documentation at John Hansard Gallery
John Hansard Gallery in Southampton are presenting an exhibition titled Performance / Audience / Film and documentation of our work Kidnap has been included alongside work by artists Oreet Ashery, Franko B, Ian Breakwell & Ron Geesin Jean Dupuy, Rachel Gomme, Dan Graham and Joshua Sofaer.
New commission for Aichi Triennale
Blast Theory are currently creating a new work for the AICHI TRIENNALE in Nagoya this August
Join a Google Hangout on games and stories
At 4:30pm GMT Matt will be hanging out on Google+ with Margaret Robertson (Hide&Seek), Nicholas Fortugno (Playmatics), Matt Locke (Storythings) and Mary Hamilton (Zombie LARP) for a @Future of StoryTelling roundtable about the evolution of participatory gaming.
Come and talk about activism
Matt is talking at A Show & Tell Salon on Activism and Asking People To Act presented by Coney. It’s at Camden People’s Theatre on Sunday 10th March at 7.00pm.
Join us.